Thursday, December 15, 2011


Look for PRISM information to be coming home. We will be doing part of the PRISM project with our buddies. We may be sending home small things to be done at home. The second grade will be doing a portfolio about an animal of their choice.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Duct tape needed

The Character Club is in need of duct tape for our Peace Ball. Every time a student demonstrates peace, 12 inches of duct tape is added to the Peace Ball. With all of the peace shown at Sappington, we have run out of duct tape. If you have any to spare, please send it to school. Thank you from all the peacemakers!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Main idea and supporting details

One of the hardest skills for second graders is to pick out the main idea from what they are reading. They also use main idea and supporting details in their writing. When they use this effectively in writing, their writing stays on the topic. For the next several weeks the children will be bringing home main idea and supporting idea worksheets to help them with this skill.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Water Project

Our Walk-a-Thon is on Wednesday. Remember to send in your pledges. We read A Cool Drink of Water. It is about all different ways people need to get water.

Subtraction Strategies

We have started working on subtraction. Today we worked on counting back and counting up.

Friday, September 30, 2011